Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Move over, Justin Timberlake...I'M bringing Sexy Back!

Fear Not, Gentle Readers, I have not abandoned you during my quest to find either a job or an agent. It's just been quite a chore, leaving me with no energy to blog.

Sad, isn't it?

But there is good news! I found meself not one, but TWO agents whose lives are dedicated to putting $$$ in my pocket. Well, maybe not entirely dedicated to me, but enough so that I can go with the flow.

This week finds me, almost ONE YEAR TO THE DAY, back in the workforce. As I remembered, it generally bites ass. Too many people, too many bad moods (mine included), too many yawns, too few hours to get in a full day's work and a full day's play. But the pay is good, and I get free soda and hot chocolate, so it isn't a total wash. Of course, I've given up soda since I started counting calories (yes, I actually do, and I do it on-line @ www.calorie-count.com.) I'm down six pounds since last Monday, so I guess it's working. That number may be reduced to five pounds when my body realizes that I slipped up bad last night and indulged in an entire bag of Sour Jelly Bellys. It wasn't my fault. I'd had a really long day, I was tired and cranky, I wanted something that would make me feel better, and I have an absolute addiction to Sour Jelly Bellys. The plan was just to eat a few to comfort me. And that's how it started. Then I got wrapped up in working on a website design and I kept nibbling and the next thing I knew it was 4:00 AM and the bag was empty and I only had three hours to sleep.


So here I am today, still tired, still cranky, still craving Sour Jelly Bellys (I seriously am addicted to them), and no end in sight. After I get out of here (I'm working at an ad agency specializing in pharmaceuticals this week, and no, they won't give me any free samples...I asked), I have to go to an interview at JPMorgan for somewhere in the neighborhood of an hour. Why do I need to go to JPMorgan to interview? I don't really know. I went and took their stupid Desktop Publishing test so that they can see that I am imminently qualified to make pretty pictures in PowerPoint, and I passed with flying colors, so what else do they need from me? They're going to put me in a room with a bunch of other Creatures of the Night and have us make pretty pictures in PowerPoint. Exactly what could they POSSIBLY have to talk to me about for an hour? But it gets better...next week I start a TWO WEEK TRAINING PROGRAM for them. Admittedly, I don't know what the training consists of, but if it's anything like the test they gave me, they're wasting my time and theirs. I have to blow off a week-long trip to Montauk that I've been planning since January so that I can do this training. Upside, it's paid training. Downside, it's paying me at least $7/hour less than I'm worth, un-JPMorgan trained, on the open market. But I've got no one to blame but myself. Next time I give up on the corporate world, I will have freelance gigs on tap so that I don't burn through every penny I have (which is a bad thing)

Okay, I'm officially exhausted. I'm going to feed myself some salad and try not to fall asleep. Something about not paying me for naptime...


At 12:48 PM, Blogger CTK said...


I was finna emailz you about your current job search status.

Yay money!

At 3:56 PM, Blogger Marcheline said...

Um.... I read that whole post but never found the part where you brought the sexy back.

Where da sexy?


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