Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Five Reasons I Know I'm Getting Old...

1. I can't get a good night's sleep if the thread count of my sheets is less than 300.
2. I'm always complaining about how "inappropriate" television and music is for children.
3. I'm actually concerned about things like fiber and benefits and retirement planning.
4. My once-or-twice-a-year gray hairs have now become once-or-twice-a quarter.
5. I spend a lot of time trying to convince myself that "40 is the new 20." 
Five Things I Do To Counteract The Effects of Getting Old...
1. Hang out with people under 30 (preferably the ones who think I look five to ten years younger than I actually am).
2. Watch the Cartoon Network.
3. Text message as often as possible (without, however, the "cute" little abbreviations like "ROFL", "R U @ home" or the ever-popular "LOL")
4. Ogle the cute guys at the gym.
5. Going to visit my parents and getting treated like I'm still eight years old.


At 9:25 AM, Blogger Marcheline said...

One of the things I'm determined not to do as I get older is become one of the technologically deficient.

I intend to keep up (at least mentally) with the new technology that comes out, know how to use it, what it does, etc. I don't want to end up one of those people who can't program her VCR (or whatever the next wonder machine is).


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