Tuesday, January 31, 2006

It's not your father's Oldsmo-mosh pit

This past Saturday, I joined in a little heavy metal celebration in honor of one baby brother and one baby sister who both have birthdays in January. In addition to the obvious benefit of hanging out with my kid-ums, I had the pleasure of being reintroduced to The Mosh Pit.

Mosh pitting has changed in the four years since I last had the opportunity to check one out (and given the painful smack to the head I got Saturday night, it's not something I've missed). I don't care what ANYONE says, moshing can be violent and dangerous. Perhaps it depends on whether the "dancer" is just letting off steam or just being an ass. Seems pretty simple to understand that if I WANTED to slam dance, I would be IN the circle, not OUTSIDE of it.

Whether or not it is actually "dancing" is up for grabs as well. Call me old fashioned, but the whole head-banging, arms/fist flailing, jumping around like you're in a kickboxing class thing just doesn't translate for me.

Oh, so as not to be accused of being sexist, I should mention that this isn't only about guys...chicks mosh as well. ..


At 12:36 PM, Blogger CTK said...

This post reminds me that I have a coupon for Efferdent - buy one, get one half-off. I'll mail it to you.

At 4:45 PM, Blogger Marcheline said...

OK, first off, those photos clearly show more than 2 feet of airspace around each "mosher". This, my dear, is just an energetic dance floor. A mosh pit is the tenth circle of hell. There is *no* airspace between dancers in a mosh pit. Also, it's in a PIT. Thus the "pit" part. Urgh. Don't try this at home.

- M


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