Monday, February 27, 2006

Free tastes better

Yesterday I committed a pint-sized scam with my younger sister. It involved people wanting to give me stuff for free. And free stuff is always a good thing.

For the past few weeks, Crate & Barrel has been having an event called "Sunday Morning Engagements" on (you guessed it) Sunday mornings. If you come in and register for your wedding, they ply you with free champagne (and/or Bellinis) and give you a pair of heart-shaped champagne glasses for your trouble.

Far be it from me to pass up free champagne and glasses.

Now, I have no plans to get married any time in the near future, nor does my sister...but that didn't stop us from creating fictitious fiancés and trotting around C&B with mini scanners that allowed us to electronically create our wedding registry. It was way cool. My life would run so much better if I had a mini scanner on my hip at all times. It would eliminate all those inconvenient times when you need to know the price of the economy size jar of pickles or that sexy red Lamborghini.

Of course, my life would run even smoother if everything had UPC codes. Maybe when we all get branded we’ll also get scanners. Then I could find out easily if the guy asking me out is married, has two kids and a mortgage of $750,000….or if he has a fictitious fiancée and is registered at Crate & Barrel.


At 10:43 AM, Blogger CTK said...

How mischievous of you. I like the cut of your jib.

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Marcheline said...

So?!?!?! Did you get the glasses? How was the champagne?

When I want free glasses, I just shove one down my shirt at the nearest pub.

OK, I've only done that twice in my life, but it's fun!

- M


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