Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Musings of the 8 year-old mind

So I was in Atlanta for an extended weekend visiting with my sister and my two nephews. One is 11 months old ("shares" a birthday with me by a difference of two days) and the other is 8. They are both bright as newly minted pennies, but the smaller one is stuck on drooling, babbling and being generally cute. The 8 year-old is cute, too, but he has the added advantage of being able to communicate. So he communicates a couple of amusing things during my stay:

"There's a kid in my class who doesn't celebrate any holidays, so my teacher asked him if he was a lesbian."

And on the subject of the diorama project he was asked to do (which I immediately took over and wouldn't let him work on - a fact that was received pretty well since it mean he could go play "Streets of LA" or "Car Theft" or some other age inappropriate PS2 game):

"Do you think I'm taking advantage of you?"

BTW, I literally spent all weekend, from Saturday afternoon through Monday evening working on the diorama. It wasn't my best work, but for a 2nd grade class, it's going to set the standard by which all others are judged. Ha ha. Everyone else is going to fail, 'cause mine...I mean "ours"... is "da bomb diggity"!


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